Monday, January 1, 2018

You Are What You Sit On?

I have a favorite saying that goes a bit like this...
meme from facebook, source unknown

I get it, I do.  Life flipping sucks some days.  And yes every last dang one of us on this entire planet have wanted to die.  That's called being alive.  You want to die, but you have to live and move on.  That's life.  And someone always has had it way harder than we'll ever be able to imagine.  ALWAYS.  That doesn't mean you can't begrudge the fates.  That doesn't mean you can't drink an entire bottle of wine on the bathroom floor while screaming out to your demons and smoking cigarettes until you can't take another sobbing breath in because DANG this SUCKS.  You are allowed your pain.  You've earned your moment to suffer.  But you my friend are still here because you are needed.  You have more to do, and your pain is not your name.  I am not my illness.  Nope, I'm Emily.  I don't live because of my pain, I live in spite of it, I live to not be it.  That doesn't mean it isn't there, and isn't shaping me, and changing my life.  Just like your hurts, or illnesses, or horrid pasts don't effect you.  But they are NOT you.  And you have no right to live for the pain or hurt.  You have no right to stop being anything but you.  And you have no right to use your hurt, whatever it may be to say others can't imagine, and therefor you can't be you.  Nope.  Wrong answer.  Get over your drama queen self, because others do get it, others suffer way more and do amazing things, and you my friend can be whatever you set out for.  Get off the cactus, put that sucker in the window, and let it BLOOM.  Cry when you stab your finger and move on.  

With much love and compassion,
the girl who gets it, and who would love nothing more than being able to hibernate forever right now.

{Something New}

I'm trying something new-ish, and it has me wrapped up in all sorts of feelings. I worry too much.  If you haven't figured that on...